Riverside County Office of Education
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Lisa Winberg
(951) 249-8822
Title I - Parts A and D
Title I - Parts A and D
A federal program to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
- School Site Council (SSC) 101
An SSC is required when a school participates in a Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP). An LEA may require a school to form an SSC in other circumstances as well.
- Compensatory Education for School Leaders
This resource will support school leaders to become familiar with Title I requirements that fall within their purview.
- Title I School-level Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) organizer
All schools that operate a Title I SWP must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment annually. There is no mandated template. Linked above you will find a template that is being used by several schools within our county. This template supports teams to conduct a deep data analysis, identify resource inequities, conduct a root cause analysis, and then to identify evidence-based actions based on identified root causes of low performance.
- Title I Monitoring and Evaluation with Budget Tracking
It is mandatory for SSCs to monitor the implementation and impact of all Title I funded actions. This template assists the user with monitoring actions and budgets that are tied to each action.