Riverside County Office of Education
Home MenuRCOE The Arts has begun a new webinar series called "Children's Literature and Art Series." For each session, we will be highlighting an outstanding work of children's literature by an author that tells an engaging story for young people. The books will be paired with an art project that was developed in conjunction with Karen Riley of the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery. Teachers and parents can attend the live webinar sessions as they happen and/or view the taped webinar at a time most convenient for them, and then share the experience with their student or child.
Here's what teachers are saying:
“I will complete the project as presented and then integrate it with Media Arts using iPad apps Green Screen and Chatterpix to record thoughts about the project.”
“That I can use recycled/found materials to make something SUPER CREATIVE & B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!”
“We study artists and imitate some pieces, or extend it in our own versions. This exercise is more creative and there is no ideal finished product. I've ordered the book to add to my other resources, and plan to have them build their Frida doll BEFORE we study her pieces or copy her work.”
For more information, please contact Louisa Higgins at lhiggins@rcoe.us.