Riverside County Office of Education
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Louisa Higgins
Visual and Performing Arts Administrator
(951) 826-6304
Coachella Valley History Museum
RCOE VAPA is partnering with the Coachella Valley History Museum to support a Haiku contest in March. The Coachella Valley History Museum has recently completely refurbished the Japanese Memorial Garden on the museum grounds. This garden was originally installed in 1985 by the children of the Japanese farmers who immigrated to the Coachella Valley between 1902 and 1930. These family members wanted to honor their parents who had established farms from Indio to the Salton Sea and who had become respected members of the early desert community. The Museum will be presenting a Shinto rededication ceremony of the garden on March 27 with Reverend Alfred Tsuyuki from the Kondo Church in Los Angeles. At that time, guests will be able to enjoy various forms of Japanese entertainment.
Local students (Grades K–12) are invited to create Haiku poetry in honor of the garden that could be read at the ceremony. Students are encouraged to visit the Museum garden during the hours of operation: Friday, Saturday, Monday, 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Of the Haiku submitted, two students will be selected to present their work. Each student selected will receive a $50 stipend. Work should be submitted by March 14, via email to the Coachella Valley History Museum, at Mayra@cvhm.org.
Instructions: Please put “Haiku Submission” in the body of the email. Email with submission should include: first and last name of student, parent phone number and email, and school of attendance/grade level.
Haiku Contest Flyer
Coachella Valley History Museum
82616 Miles Ave, Indio,92201
(760) 342-6651