Consider the purpose of education as a forum for preparing students to learn to work within a system and to question and change the system.
Examine individual and societal beliefs underlying the deficit views about learning and children with specific attention to race/ethnicity, class, gender, culture, and language.
Examine individual, school, district and societal beliefs underlying deficit views of the families, served by the school.
Cultivate an attitude that is willing to acknowledge inherent institutional racism.
Refrain from using deficit discourse in professional learning communities and instructional decision-making (e.g., placement decision, course offerings, intervention strategies).
Eliminate tracking systems that sort children based on perceived ability and demographic profile.
Show evidence that course taking patterns are changing, remedial/intervention courses are reduced, and advanced course offerings are more robust and plentiful.
Increase recruitment and retention of teachers and leaders from historically marginalized groups.
Create fair and holistic assessment systems for students and teachers that provide productive and timely information on learning, and are free from high stakes pressure, static labeling of students and schools, and arbitrary sanctions.
Require professional development opportunities that focus on social, cultural, linguistic, contextual, and cognitive facets of academic disciplines and disciplinary learning.
Create a vision with accountability mechanisms for the classroom, school, and district that uplifts students to learn rigorous and relevant content.
Acknowledge the responsibilities learners have as part of their homes and communities and build policies and procedures that value and respect those responsibilities.
Network with other professionals in the field to enlarge the scope and understanding of the critical issues around equity.
Be responsive to trauma stress and prepare all adults and students to recognize post-traumatic stress signals.
Prioritize teacher learning and collaboration around authentic learning data.
Extend compassion during daily interactions with others, including yourself.