Riverside County Office of Education
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Antonio Fierro, Ed.D.
Vice President of Professional Learning and Academics
95 Percent Group
Antonio A. Fierro is a former Texas State Teacher of the Year and is currently the Vice President of Professional Learning and Academics with the 95 Percent Group. For almost 20 years, he was a member of the national Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) cohort of literacy consultants led by Dr. Louisa Moats and sits on the advisory board of LETRS 3rd edition.
Dr. Fierro has contributed to several literacy curricula for English learners and is co-author of Kid Lips®, a curriculum that teaches the articulatory features of English phonemes. His area of interest include early literacy instruction, improving the learning experience of pre-service teaching candidates, and research and practice that impacts English learners. He is also dedicated to advancing the knowledge base and understanding of dyslexia and other reading disabilities, as his son, Antonio Jr., has dyslexia. Dr. Fierro currently sits on the national board of The Reading League.